IPA: ri
Root Word: RI
- (monarchy) rex imperator (“king-emperor”) or regina imperatrix (“queen-empress”); the initials by which a British monarch signed documents after his or her name from 1877 until 1947.
- (Units of measure) Synonym of li as a Korean unit of distance equivalent to about 393 m.
- (music) The solfeggio syllable used to indicate the sharp of the second note of a major scale, enharmonic to me.
- Initialism of Rhode Island, a state of the United States of America. [The smallest state of the United States, formerly officially State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.]
- Abbreviation of Riau, a province of Indonesia. [A province of Indonesia.]
- Initialism of radioisotope. [(physics) a radioactive isotope of an element]
- Initialism of radio interference.
- Alternative form of Yi [An ethnic group who live primarily in mountainous areas of southwest China.]
Examples of "ri" in Sentences
- Orthodox theory derives it from * há-kári, meaning the wind in a high place.
- S's believing that h at t; or for some ri and ti that satisfy condition (i), with ˜ri™ substituted for ˜rj™ and
- Thus, for example, the human nature that defines all people as people is referred to as ri, indicating that the rational order integral to humanity is shared in common.
- I would assert that "for" is the most precise value for -ri, that is, a postposition specifically identifying someone or something that benefits from a specified action.
- Photo By manie live in ri fish for bass and pickerel mostly. went to visit daughter in idaho. she had arranged a fishing trip with jerry chapman from id fish and game and his family.
- C lle e in thed ve p e o a ha ng s e lo m nt f n HIV va c c ine By: Mo m a She g ri ha m d na a Guie e b Dr. Ta va Ba d d d d y: ra t m a TMU Spring2 0 09 She g ri@ ya o o na a ho .c m
- DYOR and you will agreed. was all positive on this but had too much in it, moved over to buy some lloy to get in on the ri, the other day after a major retrace think the ri will be a good one and not a stinker.
- Artamenes, or Le Grand Cyrus, the masterpiece of Mademoiselle Madeleine de Scudéri, is contained in no less than ten volumes, each of which in its turn has many books; it is, in fact, more a collection of romances than a single romance.