
IPA: sˈæbʌtˈɛriʌn

Root Word: Sabbatarian


  • A person who regards and keeps the seventh day of the week ("Saturday", the Israelite or Jewish Sabbath) as holy in conformity with the fourth commandment of the Decalogue, such as an Orthodox Jew, Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh Day Baptist, a member of the Church of God (Seventh Day); a Sabbath-keeper, a Saturday-keeper.
  • A person who regards and keeps the first day of the week as holy and often considers it as a replacement for the seventh-day Sabbath, a Sunday-keeper.
  • A person who favors the strict observance of the Sabbath (either the sixth, seventh, or first day of the week).
  • A member of a non-Jewish religious sect originating in Russia distinguished by observance of Jewish rites and festivals including Saturday as the day of rest.


  • Of or pertaining to the Sabbath, or the tenets of Sabbatarians.

Examples of "sabbatarian" in Sentences

  • I have an instance of a very grim assertion of extreme sabbatarian zeal.
  • Puritan jurisprudence, 113; sabbatarian extravagance provokes reaction, 371.
  • Do you know if anybody has purposely marketed an electronic workaround for sabbatarian rules?
  • "Oh, A SHOP, you mean," Philip replied, putting on at once his most respectable British sabbatarian air.
  • A conscientious diarist, though full of sabbatarian zeal, was fain to admit that 'Severall sorts of Busnesses was a-Going on: Sum a-Exercising, Sum a-Hearing o' the
  • Sunday in increasingly multicultural America will probably lose even more of its strict sabbatarian character, but Mr. Miller doubts that its specialness will ever be entirely lost.
  • The Israelites, a messianic sabbatarian sect, whose ritual included baptism by total immersion at midnight, the kiss of peace, and an annual passover, had made their headquarters in the location at Ntaba
  • The geese on the green downs, just below the village, had clearly never even heard of Calvin; they were luxuriating in a series of plunges into the deep pools in a way to prove complete ignorance of nice sabbatarian laws.
  • I have elsewhere spoken of a past sabbatarian strictness, and I have lately received an account of a strictness in observing the national fast-day, or day appointed for preparation in celebrating Holy Communion, which has in some measure passed away.
  • I'm not in principle a dedicated, old-style sabbatarian, but there are moments when I fully understand what that is about in its most positive sense -- and many of those moments happen when I'm enjoying a Sabbath eve meal with Jewish friends, when I realize just what it is to have twenty-four hours experienced as sheer gift and grace, to be welcomed like a bride.

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