IPA: sˈɑdʌm
Root Word: Saddam
- A male given name from Arabic of Arabic usage.
- Saddam Hussein, former Iraqi dictator (1979-2003).
Examples of "saddam" in Sentences
- Giving saddam nuclear weapons to use agains the Iranians.
- And by the way, Its not a bad thing that saddam is not longer in power.
- The evidence of republican buildup and prop up of saddam is overwhelming.
- If some call saddam a killer,then what you call the american leader who ordered to kill the thousands and lakhs of peple in japan.
- I remember 2003 an austrian politician said he want to go to talk with saddam Hussein about his outlook on the situation and further acts.
- I will never forget the people of Iraq tearing down that statue of saddam and then we got to see bush on an aircraft carrier with a banner behind him …
- I will never forget the people of Iraq tearing down that statue of saddam and then we got to see bush on an aircraft carrier with a banner behind him that read mission accomplished.
- April 18th, 2010 6: 21 pm ET yeah, I remember when saddam was tough talking too, how mighty his military was. look how well that worked for him. i bet we will one day find the president of iran cowering in a hole somewhere just like saddam
- I suspect that Bush/Cheney thought they could institute some of the old imperialist ways in Iraq by knocking out saddam, putting in a puppet/sympathetic strongman (chalabi), and then receive the enthusiastic applause of the oil industry as they came to dominate Iraq.
- i dont think so said the USA the shahs our mate hes ok so what did america do? give 2 billion bucks straight to who? the guys name saddam hussain yeah i know it sounds insane they gave him every weapon around this hypocrisy abounds because they were best mates till he invaded kuwait so lets set the story straight hes a terrorist but what for? not doing americas dirty work anymore