IPA: sˈæmʌnɪdeɪ
Root Word: Salmonidae
- Salmonidae is a family of ray-finned fish that constitutes the only currently extant family in the order Salmoniformes .
Examples of "salmonidae" in Sentences
- There seemed to be as great a diversity of opinion about the female species as, let us say, about the salmonidae.
- The Tara and its tributaries, as well as the lakes, contain a large number of salmonidae including Salmo trutem fario, Hucho hucho (VU) and Thimalus thimalus.
- Seven species of fish have been recorded, including two introduced alien species of salmonidae and the rare endemic Drakensberg minnow Oreodaimon zuathlambae.
- (sturgeons and _salmonidae_), and its herring (_Salmo omul_) is the chief product of the fisheries, though notably fewer have been taken within the last forty or fifty years.
- One degree more exacting to arms and legs than the more universal employment of the pretty 10-foot trout rod with the purely fresh-water species of the salmonidae, it still falls short of the heavier demands of the salmon or pike rod.