
IPA: sʌɫˈuki

Root Word: Saluki


  • (cynology) An ancient sighthound breed of dog with a silky coat originating in the Middle East, once sacred to the Egyptians.

Examples of "saluki" in Sentences

  • Steve- Is the brindle dog a saluki, a tazi or a cross?
  • I awake to the sound of wild saluki dogs barking at the dawn.
  • I have other Chinese saluki- tazi images, some even older, but not this one.
  • John Burchard can verify that they will flush a hare on occasion, but I haven't got a saluki here to chase it when that happens.
  • Breed people buy in to all sorts of mysticism about it show saluki people with their pure Arab breed myths are among the worst-- see below and make up absurd creation myths.
  • The west split off one small Arab population, mostly from Iraq, and called it saluki, and took an even smaller group from Afghanistan and made of it the absurd modern show Afghan.
  • The saluki is the ONLY AKC breed with a mechanism for bringing in new "blood" and even that is cumbersome, partially because of Arabist romanticism and the myth of the "pure" hurr Bedu, saluki, Arab horse, and saker.
  • Doesn't matter if it's a saluki chasing jacks over the open plains, or a falcon taking multiple stoops and remounts, if that animal is well field hardened they can optimize their focus on the quarry rather than trivial aspects of the chase.
  • A member of our tazi list writes of a friend near Tehran, in one of the traditional lands of the tazi- saluki: If she goes there or elsewhere to exercise her dogs she still has a problem to go by car, because her property is surrounded by buildings....

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