IPA: seɪmɝˈiʌ
Root Word: Samaria
- The ancient capital of the northern Kingdom of Israel, in the modern West Bank.
- An ancient region in the region of Palestine, mostly in the northern part of the modern West Bank.
- (chemistry) samarium oxide
Examples of "samaria" in Sentences
- Simnira, Damascus, and "Samarina", i.e. samaria, to shake off the lordship of Sargon.
- Let me recall you that judea samaria (west bank for you: 5.000 sq kms) status is disputed
- Please explain the difference between Prussia being absorbed by Poland and Judea and samaria by Israel.
- The first is that I have realigned Assyrian Chronology so that the fall of samaria is 711, instead of 722.
- Dilan, I think yankev’s point was that it wasn’t called the west bank until after 48, and were in fact apparently known as judea and samaria before thatpoint.
- The Nanox SOFC is a room temperature fuel cell in which nano-structured oxides such as YSZ (yttria stabilized zirconia) or SDC (samaria doped ceria) are used as electrolytes.
- Based on what I believe to be Thiele's original chronological pattern for the Judah and Hebrew Kings, when he first applied "fixed dates", his pattern resulted in the fall of samaria in 711.
- Very many bodies, such as ruby, diamond, emerald, alumina, yttria, samaria, and a large class of earthy oxides and sulphides, phosphoresce in vacuum tubes when placed in the path of the stream of electrified molecules proceeding from the negative pole.
- hence while you want to argue that calling them judea and samaria is to try and show an inauthentic jewish tie to that territory, it would appear the truth is just the opposite. that those who insist that it must be called the “West Bank” are trying to sever a jewish tie to thatland.