IPA: saɪʌntˈɑɫʌdʒi
Root Word: Scientology
- A belief system with certain religious aspects, developed in 1952, focused on the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard.
Examples of "scientology" in Sentences
- How about about pretty much everything in scientology?
- I raged out when I saw the "scientology" bit at the end and threw my remote.
- April 14th, 2009 at 11: 50 am yes this cult of scientology is deadly and these guys must be stoped.
- Moreover, why are you trying to convince people that scientology is good and they should join your cult?
- I am not a believer in scientology but I know that without a doubt they did what they believed to be right.
- A sect such as scientology does not deserve or warrant any sort of exposure on a major television serie such as Lost.
- However, a search for "scientology" or "L Ron Hubbard" brings up sponsored links for the religion many people consider to be a dangerous cult.
- Cross-examined by Mr Trainor, Mr O’Kelly said the first he heard about Ms Johnston’s involvement in scientology was when she told him “it was great”.
- And these are the people who are perfectly happy referring to Al Gore as "our guru", climate science as "scientology", and global warming as a theocracy, and yet complain if we refuse or question the term skeptic.
- May 19, 2007 2: 41: 00 AM rmacapobre thinks .. exactement .. scientology is just like any other religion that have existed or existing today .. we have yet to deal with the more infamous christian fundamentalists and moslem extremists