
IPA: siˈurʌs

Root Word: Sciurus


  • The genus Sciurus contains most of the common, bushy-tailed squirrels in North America, Europe, temperate Asia, Central America and South America.

Examples of "sciurus" in Sentences

  • A species of sciurus or squirrel, not described in the Syst.
  • In appearance and size he more approximates a large species of the sciurus family, commonly called the fox-squirrel, than anything I can name.
  • "The Squirrel sent by General Cass is a species not heretofore described, and has been named by Dr. Mitchell the federation squirrel, or sciurus tredecem striatus.
  • The species mentioned in the text may have been the sciurus petaurista of Linnaeus, the taguan, flying-cat, flying-hare, or Indian flying-squirrel of various authors.
  • "The Squirrel sent by General Cass is a species not heretofore described, and has been named by Dr. Mitchell the _federation squirrel_, or _sciurus tredecem striatus_.
  • HERE are several species of squirrels, (sciurus) peculiar to the lower countries, or maritime parts of Carolina and the Floridas, and some of them are very beautiful creatures.
  • THE ground squirrel, or little striped squirrel of Pennsylvania and the northern regions, are never seen here, and very rarely in the mountains northwest of these territories; but the flying squirrel, (sciurus volans) are very common.
  • As in the locally then internationally-famous sciurus carolinensis that scampered across home plate in Busch Stadium during the National League Division Series and—if you believe the legend—magically transformed the late-entry St. Louis Cardinals into championship contenders.
  • Rhenique nodos aureamque nitellam; fragravit ore quod rosarium Paesti, quod Atticarum prima mella cerarum, quod sucinorum rapta de manu gleba; cui conparatus indecens erat pavo, inamabilis sciurus et frequens phoenix, adhuc recenti tepet Erotion busto, quam pessimorum lex amara fatorum sexta peregit hieme, nec tamen tota, nostros amores gaudiumque lususque.
  • Rhenique nodos aureamque nitellam; 35 fragrauit ore, quod rosarium Paesti, quod Atticarum prima mella cerarum, quod sucinorum rapta de manu gleba; cui comparatus indecens erat pauo, inamabilis sciurus et frequens phoenix: 40 adhuc recenti tepet Erotion busto, quam pessimorum lex amara fatorum sexta peregit hieme, nec tamen tota, nostros amores gaudiumque lususque. et esse tristem me meus uetat Paetus, 45 pectusque pulsans pariter et comam uellens:

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