IPA: sɛnʌgˈɔɫ
Root Word: Senegal
- A river on the border between Senegal and Mauritania in West Africa.
- A country in West Africa. Official name: Republic of Senegal.
Examples of "senegal" in Sentences
- Gum of less superior quality than that of var. senegal.
- The woodland savanna is dominated by Acacia albida, with A. senegal, and A. nilotica also present.
- It has similar properties to gum arabic (from A. senegal) and is frequently used in calico printing in India.
- Acacia senegal and A. tortilis are also found, mainly in the alluvial sands and silts along ephemeral rivers in the ecoregion.
- The vegetation is stunted and open, dominated by Acacia species such as A. senegal and A. leucophloea that rarely exceed 6 meters (m) in height.
- Dense deciduous woodland dominated by the regional endemic tree Anogeissus dhofarica, together with Acacia senegal and Commiphora spp., occurs on seaward-facing slopes.
- Intermingled with the Euphorbia scrub is a Zizyphus scrub that is characterized by Zizyphus nummularia with Acacia leucocephala, Acacia senegal, Anogeissus pendula, and Dicrostachys cinerea.
- Textile-printing firms developed their own formulas, often based on a combination of starch, flour, and glues or light resins (gum arabic and gum senegal) familiar to painters and apothecaries.
- The rocky hillocks are characterized by Euphorbia caducifolia, Maytenus emarginata, Acacia senegal, Commiphora mukul, Wrightia tinctoria, Securinega leucopyrus, Grewia tenax, and Grewia villosa.
- My dad told me that he had no news since a long time and didnt know if she was alive! he's living in bamako now, as chairman of an international bank! the last time i met mrs morgenthau it was in dakar-senegal where my dad received her! at this time, he was high commissioner for the senegal river valley development organisation!