IPA: ʃˈaɪnʌ
Root Word: Shina
- A Dardic people.
- Their language, sometimes regarded as multiple languages, which belong to the Dardic family.
- A group of Dardic languages spoken in Northern Pakistan.
Examples of "shina" in Sentences
- A very divergent variety of Shina.
- The local language of the region is Shina.
- They live alongside the akhi and the Shina.
- Its people speak the Astori dialect of Shina.
- The main language spoken in the valley is Shina.
- It's fine to say that the Chinese find Shina offensive.
- Unlike the Dards and the Shina, the Burig are not nomads.
- Shina and Kashmiri languages are mostly spoken in the area.
- Shina studied engineering and worked as a graphic designer.
- Shina doesn't want to believe that her father is behind it.