
IPA: saɪˈæm

Root Word: Siam


  • (historical) The former name of Thailand, a country in Southeast Asia.

Examples of "siam" in Sentences

  • Uh huh, you are neutral alright and I am the king of siam.
  • Siam the mayan Thomas, siam the mayan echoed in her mind like a primitive drumbeat.
  • The chocolate habanero ... the golden ghost, the pequin, the siam hot and the scarlet lantern.
  • Everyone toured the exhibits after the speeches and local delights like mee siam served as dinner.
  • Ohai, Goosi, aifinkso Aahz wuz sai tu numbur as we goze alawng but wut if 2 aor moor poastz at siam tiem?
  • We all gathered, along with auntyglory, at the Eurasian Community House restaurant, for a fantastic buffet brunch of beef rendang, devil's curry, mee siam, and much more.
  • Some of the cuisine's dishes have worked their way into restaurants overseas, but others -- barbecued stingray, peanutty satay noodles, spicy Malay mee siam -- can be hard to find outside of Singapore.
  • Once, in the brief moment before sleep, when her mind loosened itself from her control, an unwelcome sound unmoored itself from her memory and threaded through her thoughts: multiple voices chanting in unison, Siam the mayan Thomas, siam the mayan.
  • She struggled to keep from losing herself, like a drowning person batting the water and fighting for air, but she was too tired to raise herself into consciousness, and the primitive chant surrounded her: Siam the mayan Thomas, siam the mayan—until she finally slipped through the dense thicket of words into sleep.

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