IPA: sˈɪdz
Root Word: SIDS
- Small Island Developing States.
- (medicine) Acronym of sudden infant death syndrome. [(pathology) The sudden and unexplained death of an infant aged one month to one year, normally while sleeping.]
Examples of "sids" in Sentences
- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a devastating and unexplained phenomenon that occurs in seemingly healthy babies
- The cause of SIDS remains unknown, but researchers are working tirelessly to uncover potential risk factors
- Parents can take preventative measures, such as placing infants on their backs to sleep, to reduce the likelihood of SIDS
- The loss of a child to SIDS is a tragic event that can leave families grieving and searching for answers
- SIDS awareness campaigns aim to educate the public about safe sleep practices and reduce the number of preventable deaths