IPA: sɪɫˈʊriʌn
Root Word: Silurian
- A member of the Silures, an ancient tribe of Britannia.
- (geology) The Silurian period.
- (geology) Of a geologic period within the Paleozoic era; comprises the Llandovery, Wenlock, Ludlow and Pridoli epochs from about 439 to 409 million years ago.
- (archaeology) Of or related to the Silures, a pre-Roman British tribe.
Examples of "silurian" in Sentences
- We were passing through rocks of the transition or silurian [l] system.
- ‘Lingulae’ and ‘Discinae’ of the silurian rocks and those which now live.
- I'm 11 years old going to the structural geology class and taking notes on archecopterics and silurian trilbytes.
- My old science teacher was the spitting image of the scientist bloke who got killed by a silurian in "The silurians"...
- I cannot let Clive James 'silurian words [NYR, August 16] about that brave and gifted man, Andrei Voznesensky, pass without protest.
- There is a rim or fringe of ancient rocks round a great central valley, which, dipping inward, form a basin, the bottom of which is composed of the oldest silurian rocks.
- Then by degrees, in the silurian period, the tops of the mountains began to appear, the islands emerged, then disappeared in partial deluges, reappeared, became settled, formed continents, till at length the earth became geographically arranged, as we see in the present day.
- The ‘Globigerina’ of the Atlantic soundings is identical with that which occurs in the chalk; and the casts of lower silurian ‘Foraminifera’, which Ehrenberg has recently described, seem to indicate the existence at that remote period of forms singularly like those which now exist.
- It comes from beneath the trap-rock, of which I shall have to speak when describing the geology of the entire country; and as it usually issues at a temperature of 72° Fahr., it probably comes from the old silurian schists, which formed the bottom of the great primeval valley of the continent.
- This mass of basalt, about six miles long, has tilted up the rocks on both the east and west; these upheaved rocks are the ancient silurian schists which formed the bottom of the great primaeval valley, and, like all the recent volcanic rocks of this country, have a hot fountain in their vicinity, namely, that of