IPA: sˈɪs
Root Word: SIS
- (Britain) Initialism of Secret Intelligence Service. [(UK, formal) MI6]
- Initialism of Schengen Information System.
- Initialism of second impact syndrome. [A rapid and severe brain swelling caused by a second concussion before a first has sufficiently healed, such as may occur after suffering two concussions during the same sports match. It has catastrophic results and may cause death or permanent disability.]
- Initialism of snow immersion suffocation.
- (education) Initialism of student information system.
- Initialism of supervised injection site. [A medically supervised facility providing a hygienic environment in which people can consume illicit recreational drugs intravenously, to avoid drug problems such as disease and overdose.]
- Acronym of share-in-savings. [(US) A government form of performance-based contracting that moves risk to industry.]
- (informal) Clipping of sister. [A daughter of the same parents as another person; a female sibling.]
Examples of "sis" in Sentences
- My sis is coming to vist in a week and bringing me some. ummmmm.
- I think your point about genre analysis is really interesting, Dan.
- I wonder if anything can be done about what I call my sis's 'city-folk complex' ...
- As always with S.S.R. Datta, the analysis is nuanced and, it seems to me, correct.
- So my sis is visiting me and she's in the middle of playing GHIII and suddenly the Xbox starts emitting a terrible grinding noise.
- Hi trupti nice chutney. my sis is a big fan of this tomatoes. she will take if we give her tomato dishes for a ful week also. hee hee ..
- "Te invocavi invoco divum Grabovium pro arce Fisia, pro urbe Iguvina, pro arcis nomine, pro urbis nomine: _volens sis, propitius sis_ arci
- My mom and middle sis have very dark brown hair, with very pale skin (like mine), and younger sis is a dark blond with almost olive skin (dad†™ s influence).
- In general I think that genre analysis is an underappreciated tool (I will assert that without bothering to prove it — making my current genre: pompously proclaiming).