
IPA: sˈɪsˈɪfˈiʌn

Root Word: Sisyphean


  • Incessant or incessantly recurring, but futile.
  • (Greek mythology) Relating to Sisyphus.

Examples of "sisyphean" in Sentences

  • I would substitute sisyphean for herculean for the correct Grecian adjective.
  • I think I might be about to be the first person to use the word "sisyphean" on
  • It's because of theimpossibilityof it, the sisyphean feat of putting pen to paper.
  • I would substitute sisyphean for herculean for the correct Grecian adjective. anon says:
  • With healthcare, jobs, economy, and two wars looming large and staring the country down, it will be sisyphean task for anybody to win over the public.
  • Yet in your sisyphean struggle to link Jon Stewart and Rush Limbaugh as peers, you have to completely ignore the wide gulf between the two and what they do.
  • But trying to make sense of this show is a sisyphean task, like trying to tie a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue after six Midori Sours, so I'll let it be.

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