IPA: sˈɪsˈaɪfʌs
Root Word: Sisyphus
- (Greek mythology) Son of Aeolus and Enarete, and king of Ephyra, as tragic figure doomed eternally to roll a boulder up a hill in Tartarus, a part of Hades.
Examples of "sisyphus" in Sentences
- May 17, 2010 at 1:14 am sisyphus kitteh hassa babies.
- I found the wiki incredibly useful, for many of the reasons given by sisyphus.
- February 5th, 2006 at 5: 24 pm sisyphus: I think the answers to your questions are “no” and “yes” respectively.
- Steve Benen progressive alaska night light fired up missouri multi medium whiskey fire correntewire pharyngula sisyphus shrugged dan froomkin daily howler media matters brad blog norwegianity sadly, no!
- But when we leave Bush will be out of office and if Obama makes the call and the chaos ensues who will get the blame? otherwise we have perpetual war - stability in iraq - i.e., iraq the way we want it to be - is impossible without our war machine. — sisyphus
- February 8th, 2006 at 11: 39 pm sisyphus: - in addition to the possibility that the spacetime has a non-trivial metric, mentioned by Sean, another common way of changing things quite drastically is to have other dynamical fields switched on in some directions, but not others.
- Steve Benen talk left sisyphus shrugged open left stark reports balkinization glenn greenwald media matters talking points memo darkblack memeorandum tom maguire angry black bitch daily howler mydd taylor marsh psotd norwegianity arkansas blog enter the jabberwock intoxination tom dispatch
- BLOG ROLL enter the jabberwock young turks nieman watchdog paul krugman words on a page david sirota skippy booman tribune night light glenn smith brilliant at breakfast they gave us a republic sisyphus shrugged anonymous liberal margaret and helen mercury rising guerilla women calitics bilerico huffington post open left david e.
- Gooznews five thirty eight juan cole open left dohiyi mir baseline scenario echidne of the snakes americablog glenn greenwald anonymous liberal acs blog fallen monk correntewire the political carnival vinyl mine mark kleiman jay rosen bonnie erbe alternate brain arkansas blog sisyphus shrugged progressive alaska laura rozen tom maguire enter the jabberwock
- BLOG ROLL bob geiger they gave us a republic seeing the forest memeorandum cafe politico nieman watchdog progressive alaska night light arkansas blog jay rosen the talent show brad delong mydd calitics enter the jabberwock world ‘o crap group news blog chase me ladies, i’m in the cavalry tom maguire intoxination steve audio darkblack stark reports anonymous liberal sisyphus shrugged talk left