
IPA: sˈɪvʌn

Root Word: Sivan


  • (Judaism) The ninth month of the civil year and the third month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar, after Iyar and before Tammuz.

Examples of "sivan" in Sentences

  • You will get mukthi by praise god siva and sivan adiyar.
  • I will tell you, this rule not applicable for siddhar, sivan adiyar
  • Ancient tamil people (yogi, munivar, siddhar, sivan adiyar) gave this.
  • Sponsored Links for aussie sports avatar maturbation Movies old beer cans sivan krispin spy capers thong wags women's basketball xbox what's this?
  • This entry was posted on 5/13/2010 12: 04: 00 AM and is filed under children, parents, rosh chodesh sivan, segulah, shelah, shlah, sivan, tefilah.
  • Kurdish army captured istanbul pkk guerilla gerilla pesmerge turkey türkiye azerbaijan greek greece tenge kurdistan baxan leila blind ayad chopy superstar hawler hewler lyricskurdish dancekurdish music RnB hip-hop kurdisch sivan perwer amed bit beat beatbox box rap PKK Gerilla
  • Chopy Leila Adnan Karim zhelya loka zahir kany zakaria alan slemany slemani ziad kamaran omar kijan dashne lori kurds karwan hawramy hawrami dlm tanga delm Kurdish army captured istanbul pkk guerilla gerilla pesmerge turkey türkiye azerbaijan greek greece tenge kurdistan baxan leila blind ayad chopy superstar hawler hewler lyricskurdish dancekurdish music RnB hip-hop kurdisch sivan perwer amed bit beat beatbox box rap PKK Gerilla Asker Catisma Kurdish Army

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