IPA: smˈɑrtʌ
Root Word: Smarta
- A follower of the Smartha Tradition, a denomination of the Vedic Hindu religion that accepts all major Hindu deities as forms of the one Brahman.
Examples of "smarta" in Sentences
- I don't dispute the meaning of smarta.
- Thanks for the contributions to smarta.
- Smartas revere the Vedas and honor the Agamas.
- A smarta can instead worship siva as ista deva.
- A better term would be monism or Smarta Advaita.
- Only the smarta tradition has this Ishta deva concept.
- Jag tyckte särskilt om illustrationerna, vackert smarta.
- Brahmanism is a western term while smarta is the hindu term.
- You guys do have a smarta$$ sense of humor I can appreciate.
- Smarta is of course not an acceptable substitute in 'this' case.
- Not trying to be a smarta$$ just wondering ... never used the stuff.
- The basic idea of Smarta religion was to reestablish Vaidic practices.
- Vivekananda was smarta in belief. smarta section seems fine as it is now.
- Some, however, just make smarta$$ jump out all over me, and I can't resist ...
- Why cause road rage and God knows what else just to be a smarta$$ and "enforce" the speed limit?
- If you have something to add to it please do otherwise keep your smarta@@ comments to yourself you little lemming!
- -- Posted by jaxspike on Thu, Mar 5, 2009, at 2: 50 PM jax - Anyone who can come up with that is my kind of smarta$$: - P
- Wen i read back thru it sounded like i was being a sarcastic smarta**. but i wusnt trying tew. i hope i didnt hurt ur feelings or keeries feelings