IPA: smˈɔgi
Root Word: Smoggy
- (sometimes derogatory) A person from Middlesbrough.
- Having smog.
Examples of "smoggy" in Sentences
- Funny, I never suffered like this when I lived in smoggy Los Angeles.
- I breathe in the chill air, so different from the hot smoggy air of my life in Los Angeles.
- He didn't care much for what he called the smoggy streets of Baghdad, but loved being in the north and in the east.
- Environmental authorities in Beijing, China's notoriously smoggy capital, have started releasing more detailed pollution data in response to public pressure.
- #25 – Dear Parrotlover – The air quality in smoggy Los Angeles is vastly improved since the 1960’s – quit believing all the propaganda you “parrot” in your posts.
- Far more common, E10 (10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline) is designed to improve air quality in smoggy regions and can be used in all cars built since the early 1990s.
- The quality of the air in the city was such that buildings just a couple of blocks away were shrouded in a kind of smoggy haze, and one's eyes watered constantly, irritated by pollutants in the air.
- Nevertheless, to the mods and the rockers who travelled down from London on weekends and bank holidays, Brighton must have seemed like the most exotic of destinations, a world away from the smoggy capital.
- If she's been to Guadalajara to scope things out, then she knows the city and knows that it's really smoggy, particularly during the dry season, and she has made it very clear that Guadalajara is the place she chooses.