IPA: sʌɫʌnt
Root Word: Solent
- A strait separating Hampshire from the Isle of Wight in in southern England.
Examples of "solent" in Sentences
- Et ea loqui posset quae soli amatores loqui solent.
- Esse solent, sed pro magni viraque animaque — Hectoris.
- [4908] Quam ego postquam vidi, non ita amavi ut sani solent
- [344] Neque novum, neque mirum, neque secus quam alii solent.
- Principes plerumque ob licentiam et adfluentiam divitiarum istam passionem solent incurrere.
- Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, "vox populi vox dei", quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit.
- Oh yes, We didn't have the rugged coast that you do, it was mainly around the solent and Isle of Wight, but it never leaves you.
- Non loquor de omni desperatione, sed tantum de ea qua desperare solent homines de Deo; opponitur spei, et est peccatum gravissimum,
- [1458] Peregrina, etsi suavia solent vescentibus perturbationes insignes adferre, strange meats, though pleasant, cause notable alterations and distempers.
- For what it's worth, I think one reason there are fewer sideswipes at Christians today I've noticed that too is that the Christians no longer sulk with solent self-pity, as was far too common when I was a pup, but respond energetically.