
IPA: spˈɑk

Root Word: Spock


  • An American surname from Dutch.
  • (science fiction) In Star Trek, a Starfleet commander and science officer of the USS Enterprise, especially known for his Vulcan logic, reason, and stoicism and his distinctive pointed ears.
  • (pop psychology) A person or character like a Star Trek Vulcan; someone resembling Star Trek's character Spock.
  • (rock paper scissors) The Vulcan salute when used in rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock, a handshape that beats rock and scissors and loses to lizard and paper.
  • Ellipsis of Mr. Spock. An asteroid in Main Belt, Solar System [An asteroid in Main Asteroid Belt, Solar System; discovered in 1971, the 2309th asteroid registered.]


  • (rock paper scissors) To play the Vulcan salute hand.

Examples of "spock" in Sentences

  • I'm still iffy on the idea of spock not suppressing his emotions anymore.
  • DreamsofProgress says: tombaker says: DoP – would you please step in and apply the emotion-free spock logic
  • Humor iron man iron man 2 j.j. abrams james bond jedis library marvel megacon olivia munn podcast robert venditti scifi scifi channel separated at birth spock star trek star trek XI star wars superman the surrogates torchwood watchmen wonder woman youtube
  • We just keep digging our own hole deeper and deeper. hey, wait a minute, bleeder. you sound like "spock" at NLS. our "mob" consists of retired teachers & other state employees, retired federal civil service employees, moms, people on disability, farmers, college students, business owners & regular employees of all stripes. we are not a "mob". but we are pretty damn angry. and i just got email from someone who attended a Perriello event & he limited his

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