
IPA: skwɑmˈɑtʌ

Root Word: Squamata


  • (Latin squamatus (“scaly, having scales”)) the largest order of reptiles, comprising lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians (worm lizards), which are collectively known as squamates or scaled reptiles.

Examples of "squamata" in Sentences

  • Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ cools things down a bit.
  • Four juniperis squamata ‘Blue Star’s outline the front edge.
  • Scaled Quail (Callipepla squamata), western Texas, United States.
  • I love the crocus and the Juniperis squamata color: it looks so rich against the stone and house.
  • Common and single-seed junipers Juniperus communis and J. squamata, Rhododendron anthopogon, Salix spp.,
  • Near tree line, pure stands of arboreal juniper (Juniperus indica, J. recurva) or shrub juniper (J. recurva, J. squamata) may occur on dry sites.
  • The blue foliage of the blue stars, Juniperus squamata and upright Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Boulevard’ offers a cool foliage dominated rock walled bed by the front door sidewalk.
  • A number of trees are celebrated on account of their age, grotesque shape, or precipitously perched position, including 1,000-year old specimens of Huangshan pine, maidenhair Ginkgo biloba and alpine juniper Sabina squamata.
  • A steppe-type vegetation of Caragana pygma, C. gerardiana, Lonicera spinosa, Juniperus squamata, J. indica, Ephedra gerardiana, Hippophae tibetana, Myricaria rosea, Lonicera spinulosa, and Berberis spp. is found in the northern extents of the ecoregion.
  • The avifauna includes golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus, scaled quail Callipepla squamata, Mexican spotted owl Strix occidentalis lucida, great horned owl Bubo virginianus, roadrunner Geococcyx californina, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, and cave swallow Hirundo fulva of which the Cavern Natural Entrance has the largest colony in the northern hemisphere which breeds there in the summer.

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