IPA: ˈɛsˈɛsˈɛs
Root Word: SSS
- (Philippines) Social Security System
- (US) Selective Service System
- (astronomy) Initialism of super soft source.
- (medicine) Initialism of sick sinus syndrome. [(pathology) An arrhythmia presumably caused by a malfunction of the sinus node, the heart's primary pacemaker.]
- (medicine) Initialism of subclavian steal syndrome. [(medicine) A constellation of signs and symptoms that arise from retrograde (reversed) flow of blood in the vertebral artery or the internal thoracic artery, due to a proximal stenosis and/or occlusion of the subclavian artery.]
- (slang) Initialism of shit, shower, shave. [(countable, uncountable, colloquial, vulgar) Solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels; feces.]
- (computer graphics, art) Initialism of subsurface scattering.
Examples of "sss" in Sentences
- Assistant: But what if it's a nasty one, precious, ssss, sss?
- Script Studio files end with ". sss", but I had to upload them as ". xml".
- Kids, it's Erik with a K, not Liza with a Z, 'cause Liza with a Z goes zzz, not sss.
- (I hates it when I leaves a comment on the wrong post, I hates it precious I hates it sss sssss.)
- Hey, cauterize your sweat glands shut ... sss-ka-owww ... with Old Spice Pro Strength antiperspirant.
- I am willing to pay $50 to any one that can give me clear directions as how to remove this high pitch whistle "sss" sound.
- I think if my own relatives would just shut their eyes and listen to Obama, they may "vote different". sss in philadelphia
- You must make a recording and rerun it each day all day the name Hyenas 'sss comes to mind they ride others tail untill they kill them them, yay for Hillary