
IPA: stˈæɫɪngræd

Root Word: Stalingrad


  • (historical) Volgograd (from 1925 to 1961).

Examples of "stalingrad" in Sentences

  • KGB Coming to airlift chiu back to stalingrad liao
  • To:. 454Puma oh, snap. he looks like he just lost stalingrad
  • They went through stalingrad­.... explains being tough and out of their minds.
  • apartoflife: They went through stalingrad.... explains being tough and out of henrydeluxe 8 minutes ago 6:23 PM
  • We aren’t the soviet army at stalingrad and ameican soldiers dont do that, regardless of what you read on the internet.
  • We aren†™ t the soviet army at stalingrad and ameican soldiers dont do that, regardless of what you read on the internet.
  • Stalin imprisoned 25\% of the citizens of stalingrad before he was stopped much like hitler, they did it by creating thousands of new laws criminalizing almost everyone and every action.
  • | Reply | Permalink obama is a patient strategist. that should not be confused for weakness. you have to let your enemy come out in the open before you spring the ambush. i think the counterattack is now on. ask hitler how stalingrad turned out for him.
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