IPA: stˈin
Root Word: Steen
- A surname from Germanic, equivalent to English Stone, equivalent of Peter or Peters (Petros - stone, rock)
- (South Africa) Chenin blanc, a variety of white wine.
- Alternative form of stean [A vessel made of clay or stone; a pot of stone or earth.]
- Alternative form of stean [To pelt with stones; throw stones at; stone.]
Examples of "steen" in Sentences
- "Harvey pronounces his name Wein-steen … just like the movie producer."
- Chenin blanc, called "steen" in South Africa, is the top white wine grape.
- August 16th, 2010 at 11:16 am do they refer to themselves as Pal-a-steen-ee-ans?
- There are people who pronounce my name as the family does — "Fair-stine" — and others who say "Fair-steen."
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- Free Subscription for students and lifetime learners ... click here clandestin (e) [klhon deh sten (steen)] noun