IPA: stɪgmˈɑtʌ
Root Word: Stigmata
- (religion, Christianity) bodily marks or sores, corresponding in location to the crucifixion wounds of Christ; supposed to occur during states of religious ecstasy or hysteria, and sometimes reported to bleed periodically
Examples of "stigmata" in Sentences
- This is a general article on stigmata.
- Transverberation and visible stigmata.
- He was the first to receive the stigmata.
- She is said to have received the stigmata.
- The Jasmine stigmata are wonderfully creepy.
- At that point the band was known as Stigmata.
- The Giant sees that the boy bears the stigmata.
- An individual bearing stigmata is referred to as a stigmatic.
- In other words the photo shows the stigmata without stigmatizing.
- At the time of receiving the stigmata they are overwhelmed with emotions.