IPA: ˈɛstˈiˈɛm
Root Word: STM
- (microscopy) Initialism of scanning tunneling microscope. [A device used to form an image of the surface of a conductor or semiconductor with atomic resolution.]
- (train control) Initialism of specific transmission module.
- (publishing industry) Initialism of scientific, technical, and medicine.
- (physical therapy) Initialism of soft tissue mobilization.
- (cognitive science) Initialism of short-term memory. [(psychology) The capacity for holding, but not manipulating, a small amount of information in mind in an active, readily available state for a short period of time.]
Examples of "stm" in Sentences
- I'm having trouble concentrating because I have too many stm tasks on my to-do list
- The stm software on my computer crashed, causing me to lose all my work
- She is known for her incredible stm skills, always finding the most efficient solutions to problems
- The stm conference was a great opportunity to network with other professionals in the industry
- My brain feels overloaded with information, like my stm capacity has reached its limit