IPA: sˈʌɫfɝ
Root Word: Sulphur
- A city, the county seat of Murray County, Oklahoma, United States.
- Alternative spelling of sulfur [(uncountable) A chemical element (symbol S) with an atomic number of 16.]
- Alternative spelling of sulfur [(transitive) To treat with sulfur, or a sulfur compound, especially to preserve or to counter agricultural pests.]
Examples of "sulphur" in Sentences
- The rotten egg smell in the air was unmistakably from the presence of sulphur in the groundwater
- The geothermal hot springs emitted clouds of steam and the distinct odor of sulphur
- Sulphur is commonly used in the production of fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture
- Native Americans used sulphur as a natural remedy for skin ailments and infections
- The volcanic eruptions released large amounts of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, causing air pollution