IPA: supɝtʃˈɑrdʒ
- (heraldry) A charge borne upon an ordinary or other charge.
- (electrics, electronics) An instance of supercharging.
- (automotive) To increase the power of an internal combustion engine (either Otto or Diesel cycle) by compressing the inlet air with power extracted from the crankshaft.
- (transitive) To make faster or more powerful.
- (electronics, electrics) To recharge a battery cell/pack at an extremely rapid pace.
Examples of "supercharge" in Sentences
- Adding a turbocharger to your car can help supercharge its performance on the racetrack
- A cup of coffee in the morning can supercharge your productivity for the day ahead
- Exercise can supercharge your metabolism and help you burn more calories throughout the day
- The new software update promises to supercharge your computer's speed and efficiency
- Hiring a professional organizer can supercharge your efforts to declutter and organize your home