IPA: tˈæɫmʌd
Root Word: Talmud
- A collection of Jewish writings related to the practical application of Judaic law and tradition (may refer to either the Babylonian Talmud or the shorter Jerusalem Talmud).
Examples of "talmud" in Sentences
- Magistrates courts are a religeous outfit "talmud"
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- Contact you dream? you listen? spoken word? hugh fox | icehouse & thirteen keys to talmud
- At least recently, life-long exclusive talmud study is no longer the norm even among lakewood types.
- Put me down, too, for wishing there had never been a Torah, talmud, Gospels, epistles, Quran or hadith.
- He learns at a modern kindergarten instead of a talmud torah, sings only in Hebrew and excels at gymnastics.
- Thus, Rabbi Feinstein maintains that although girls must be Torah-educated, they are not obligated in talmud Torah (IM YD 2: 106).
- There are still many people who commit large portions of mishnah and talmud to memory, even though it no longer needs to be passed down orally.
- The classic “black hatters,” the non-Chassidic hareidim, for the most part do earn livings, are encouraged to do so, and do not spend their entire lives studying talmud regardless of talent.