IPA: tænzˈɪm
Root Word: Tanzim
- ("Organization") a militant faction of the Palestinian Fatah movement.
Examples of "tanzim" in Sentences
- The Ikhwan have a tanzim alami, or global organisation, comprised of at least two representatives from each of many Muslim communities across the world.
- Some wishfully liken the tanzim to America's Congress, hoping that it could yet provide an institutional umbrella for a closer confederation of Arab states.
- In his magnum opus, the fifteen-hundred-page Call for Global Islamic Resistance, which Suri released to the Internet in 2004, he formalized his concept into the slogan “nizam la tanzim”—“a system, not an organization”—meaning that there should be no organizational bonds between the “Resistance fighters” who are bound together only by their common ideology: defeating the supposed enemies of Islam.