IPA: tˈaɪɝsˈiʌz
Root Word: Tiresias
- (Greek mythology) A long-lived blind soothsayer who participated over seven generations in the legendary history of (the Greek city) Thebes, noted also for being transformed into a woman for seven years, so being symbolic of androgyny.
Examples of "tiresias" in Sentences
- Tiresias was a blind prophet in Greek mythology who was gifted with the ability to see the future
- Tiresias was said to have been transformed into a woman for seven years before being restored to his original form
- Tiresias was consulted by numerous gods and mortals for his wisdom and insight
- Tiresias played a pivotal role in the legend of Oedipus, revealing the truth about his identity and tragic fate
- Tiresias's prophecies were often cryptic and difficult to interpret, yet they were always proven to be true in the end