IPA: tʌbˈeɪgoʊ
Root Word: Tobago
- An island and ward of the Caribbean, part of Trinidad and Tobago.
Examples of "tobago" in Sentences
- Hey, theres Colin powell and the Pips! steffan point fortin, trinidad and tobago
- "Take a pinch of sneezing tobago," said one of his companions, holding out his snuff-box.
- PES 2010 how come i c ant play with honduras, trinidad and tobago, blivia, venezuela and other national teams ...
- "Truly, nay, Mistress Murthwaite; 'tis accounted scandalous for divines to use that tobago, not to name the high cost thereof."
- There be that saith this new stuff of late come up -- tobago, or what they call it -- my husband says he never heard of aught with so many names.
- The word tobago, which we have turned into tobacco, was applied to a curious pipe used by the Antilleans, which had a double or Y-shaped stem for inserting into the nostrils, the single stem being held over a heap of burning leaf.
- 'Tis called uppovoc, picielt, petum [whence comes petunia], or tobago, and is sold for its weight in silver; men pick out their biggest shillings to lay against it, and 'tis held a favour for a gentlewoman to fill the pipe for her servant [suitor].
- VS USA 2-1 HIGHLIGHTS 08/12/09 ELIMINATORIA 2009 usa vs mexico 2009 mexico vs usa 2009 guillermo franco ruben aguirre soccer futball football estados unidos trinidad y tobago el salvador costa rica honduras Gold Cup Final 2009 - Mexico vs USA - Highlights Usa Vs Mexico
- Sports Tags: MEXICO VS USA 2-1 HIGHLIGHTS 08/12/09 ELIMINATORIA 2009 usa vs mexico 2009 mexico vs usa 2009 guillermo franco ruben aguirre soccer futball football estados unidos trinidad y tobago el salvador costa rica honduras Gold Cup Final 2009 - Mexico vs USA - Highlights Usa Vs
- After three days the explorers returned and reported that all they had seen were many, many naked savages who dwelt in tiny huts of wood and straw, and who had the curious custom of rolling up a large dry leaf called tobago, lighting it at one end, and drawing the smoke up through their nostrils.