
IPA: tˈaʊnz

Root Word: Townes


  • A surname.

Examples of "townes" in Sentences

  • But before we come to it, there are 4 other peopled townes, that is to say,
  • In every ile, is gret plentee of cytees and of townes and of folk, with outen nombre.
  • The judge sentenced her to be whipt at a carte tayle through the townes streete, and to weare a badge upon her left sleeve.
  • Cornaa, go men be many londes, and many cytees and townes, unto the lond of Job: and there endethe the lond of the Emperour of
  • And he hathe also into a 14000 olifauntz or mo, that he makethe for to ben brought up amonges his vileynes, be alle his townes.
  • Fro thens go men be many townes and many cytees, thorghe the contree, unto a cytee, that men clepen Lanteryne: and it is an 8 iourneyes from the cytee aboveseyd.
  • And zee schulle undirstonde, that the empire of this gret Chane is devyded in 12 provynces; and every provynce hathe mo than 2000 cytees; and of townes with outen nombre.
  • [IGIO. hostilities, nor the plantations, by the certaine & experi - enced revenges of those Dutch Indians, & am confident that within a yearcs compasse, &c., by silent & watchfull courses, the murtherer or niurthcrcrs mav be taken in English townes.
  • And thorghe the desertes of his lordschipe, there as men may fynde no townes, there ben innes ordeyned be every iorneye, to resceyve bothe man and hors; in the whiche thei schalle fynde plentee of vytaylle, and of alle thing, that hem nedethe, for to go be the contree.
  • Corke, or Youghall, (for all other Cities and Sea townes are possessed by the enemy), or else my two sonnes [must] travaile into Holland, and putt themselves into entertaynement under the service and conduct of the Prince of Orange; for they must henceforward maintayne themselves by such entertaynements as they gett in the warres (Earl of Cork to Marcombes 9 March 1641/2, Maddison 1969, 47).

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