IPA: junˈɛskoʊ
Root Word: UNESCO
- Acronym of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Examples of "unesco" in Sentences
- UNESCO: Representative List (2008) URL: www. unesco.org
- To learn more about the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve nad the Joggins Fossil Cliffs, please visit www. unesco.org
- She was clearly from a privileged background; her father had been the ambassador to unesco in Paris and a prominent educator.
- UNESCO works to create the conditions for true dialogue, based upon respect for commonly shared values and the dignity of each culture.www. unesco.org
- UNESCO: Representative List (2008) URL: www. unesco.org Description: Renowned for its graceful hand gestures and stunning costumes, the Royal Ballet of Cambodia, also known as Khmer
- The charge becomes more imperative considering a recent report by unesco, which states that many of the disease taat are still prevalent in developing countries are traceable to lack of portable water.
- And the situation gets worse as a girl reaches adulthood: women bear 70% of the world's poverty, earn only 10% of the world's income and own only 1% of the worlds land. sources: girleffect.org, joinfite.org, unesco.org.