
IPA: ʌpʌnɪʃˈɑd

Root Word: Upanishad


  • Any of a set of authorless Hindu religious and philosophical texts considered to be an early source of the religion, found mostly as the concluding part of the Brahmanas and in the Aranyakas.

Examples of "upanishad" in Sentences

  • In the Kaushîtaki-brâhma/n/a-upanishad there is recorded a legend of
  • Paingi-upanishad worth quoting, and is in fact fully intelligible only in case of its having been quoted before by/S/a@nkara himself.
  • Sanskrit text (beginning with apara âha) Deussen considers to be an interpolation, caused by the reference to the Paingi upanishad in
  • Thus _brahma upanishad_ is the secret doctrine of _brahma_, and 'whoever follows this _upanishad_' means whoever follows this doctrine.
  • This is taught as a _brahma-upanishad_, a teaching of the absolute, and it is interesting to see that it is handed down through Brahm [= a],
  • This is analogous to a previous passage (Ch.Up. III, 11, 3, 'He who thus knows this Brahma-upanishad'), where the word Brahma-upanishad is explained to mean Veda-upanishad.
  • Pai@ngi-upanishad (and quoted under I, 2, 11), the verse is understood to refer to the internal organ (sattva) and the individual soul (not to the individual soul and the Lord), even then there is no contradiction
  • Raja-guhya-Yoga The supreme secret knowledge in the upanishad of Srimadh Bhagavad Gita Henry David Thoreau (1817 1862) was an American author, naturalist, transcendentalist, tax resister, development critic, sage writer and philosopher.
  • Lord in the upanishad of Bhagavad Gita India's spiritual wisdom "The Bhagavad-Gita calls on humanity to dedicate body, mind and soul to pure duty and not to become mental voluptuaries at the mercy of random desires and undisciplined impulses."
  • Then the established stadia, the pupil, the old teaching (_upanishad_) of the householders, and the wood-dwellers are described, with the remark that there is no uniformity of opinion in regard to them; but the ancient view crops out again in the statement that one who dies as a forest-hermit

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