
IPA: vˈeɪziʌ

Root Word: Vaisya


  • Alternative form of Vaishya [The third caste of traditional Indian society, comprising merchants and landowners.]

Examples of "vaisya" in Sentences

  • The Vaisya is the expert in economics.
  • The Manasas live by following the duties of the Vaisya order.
  • Jangda Porwal Samaj claims it's a part of the Vaisya society.
  • I have read that they are considered Vaisya due to mostly farmers.
  • Ksatriyas are good for giving gifts, and the same goes for the Vaisya as well.
  • Duryodhana and others, and another, named Yuyutsu, who was born of a vaisya woman.
  • But what is even more curious is that they also capitalized the expressions for the three other castes, viz. kshatriya ` martial class, 'vaisya ` farmers and merchants,' and sudra ` menials. '
  • The warrior ksatriya class was de­voted to government and defense; the vaisya were farmers and stockbreeders who kept the economy afloat; and the sudras were slaves or outcastes who were unable to assimilate into the Aryan system.
  • These texts include the first religious justifications for a hierarchical structuring of society, asserting the Vedic division of Aryan society into three honorable classes: priests (brahman), noble warriors (kshatriya), and commonalty (vaisya), including both farmers and artisans.

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