IPA: vˈisˈiˈɑr
Root Word: VCR
- Abbreviation of videocassette recorder. [An electronic device for recording and playing back television programs and movies (featuring visual images and sound) on a videocassette that can be attached to a television set.]
- Abbreviation of virtual credit (card).
- (physics) Initialism of Vavilov–Cherenkov radiation.
Examples of "vcr" in Sentences
- These were the funnest things to have before the vcr.
- Go in the room put the video casset in the vcr player.
- My buddy Doug had a big lab that got a hold of a vcr tape.
- The boxed up many of my old unread books, cds, dvds and vcr tapes and took them to their used book store.
- I have to work Thursday night and my vcr is broken; so who is going to tape Grey’s Anatomy and E.R. for me?
- For converting movies and vids for use on my zune and phone I used Womble mpeg-vcr, TMPGEnc, and 3GP Converter.
- The little red lights on your tv, vcr, dvd player, stereo, coffee machine ... etc. show that they are still drawing power.
- Lucky for me that it the first episode came on after an episode of "The Sopranos" and that my vcr was able to catch the first few minutes of it.