
IPA: vd

Root Word: VD


  • (aviation) The design diving speed of an aircraft; the highest speed which the aircraft is planned to reach during flight testing. Always higher than VNE (the speed that must not be exceeded in service).
  • (pathology, dated) Initialism of venereal disease. [(pathology) Any of several contagious diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, contracted through sexual intercourse.]

Examples of "vd" in Sentences

  • Do we have a vd troll here today? by the looks of it, there may be more than one.
  • - 1573 Karel Petrus vd Walt (59) ambushed, found by mom shot dead, Oorsaak, Kroondal, NW
  • - 1573 Karel Petrus vd Walt (59) ambushed, found by mother shot dead, Oorsaak, Kroondal, NW
  • I think this vd is an example how people are making themselves God's .... who cares he worked for the ice cream stand .... does this mean my children who had a lemonade stand will not be the greatest of the great?
  • Bunlardan ilk ikisi Neccaroullarna mensup idi. (bn Him, Sre, II, 70 vd.; bn Sa'd, Tabakt, I, 217 vd.). slm'a gnl veren bu ilk Medineli mslmanlar memleketlerine geri dnerek btn gleriyle bu yeni dini tantmaya ve akrabalarnn da iman etmelerini temine altlar.

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