
IPA: vˈibʌɫʌn

Root Word: Veblen


  • A surname from Norwegian.
  • A city in Marshall County, South Dakota, United States.

Examples of "veblen" in Sentences

  • December 5th, 2009 at 1: 58 pm veblen above got it.
  • They are only spending it on veblen goods and ill-considered investments anyway.
  • Coupled with draconian broadband access restrictions for purposes of rent collection the US became much less attractive to these investments under Bush. veblen Says:
  • "zone_info": "huffpost. business/blog; business = 1; nickname = harry-fuller; entry_id = 175556; business-ethics = 1; corruption = 1; environment = 1; mba = 1; thorstein-veblen = 1; us-economy = 1",
  • HPConfig. blog_id = 0; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. business/blog; business = 1; nickname = harry-fuller; entry_id = 175556; business-ethics = 1; corruption = 1; environment = 1; mba = 1; thorstein-veblen = 1; us-economy = 1"; if (top!
  • "zone_info": "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = stephen-c-rose; entry_id = 181200; advertiser-supported = 1; aging = 1; drivers = 1; geriatric = 1; ingenuity = 1; metrosprawl = 1; new-economy = 1; obama = 1; professions = 1; public-transit = 1; roads = 1; single-family-vehicles = 1; speech = 1; thorstein-veblen = 1; transportation = 1; wendys = 1",
  • HPConfig. blog_id = 0; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = stephen-c-rose; entry_id = 181200; advertiser-supported = 1; aging = 1; drivers = 1; geriatric = 1; ingenuity = 1; metrosprawl = 1; new-economy = 1; obama = 1; professions = 1; public-transit = 1; roads = 1; single-family-vehicles = 1; speech = 1; thorstein-veblen = 1; transportation = 1; wendys = 1"; if (top!

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