
IPA: vˈɛn

Root Word: VENN


  • (short for The Video Game Entertainment & News Network) an American streaming television network based in Playa Vista, California.

Examples of "venn" in Sentences

  • A blog filled with humorous uses of graphs and venn diagrammes.
  • I think this would have worked better as a venn diagram, maybe. tudza Says:
  • Have you ever considered expanding beyond the venn and vector graph into Boston boxes?
  • Well, I haven't, but I've conjectured this based on this venn diagram I just constructed.
  • Filed in funny, web sites | Tags: funny, Indexed Another great venn diagram from indexed.
  • However: the venn would be pretty much more on point if it was Tommy Hilfiger (as adrienne said)
  • KA-my pre-algebra kids were studying venn diagrams today & I showed several of these to my students as the opener.
  • Examining how many columns and rows he has leads to whether it would be presented best as a pie chart, a bar graph, a venn diagram or perhaps a map.
  • It features a fair bit of geek humor as author Jessica Hagy breaks down concepts into simple terms featuring venn diagrams, x-y axis, and other commonly seen diagrams.
  • I hate that I immediately tried to rationalize my B status, but am comforted that I am not trying to correct a humorous venn diagram like our A friends. yoho7410 Says:

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