
IPA: vˈaɪmɑr

Root Word: Weimar


  • A city in Thuringia, Germany.
  • The period in German history from 1919 to 1933, when the nation was under a constitution drafted in the city of Weimar.
  • (countable) A habitational surname from German.

Examples of "weimar" in Sentences

  • Julien Simshäuser 9 months ago super sache, da wird man doch gleich stolz auf weimar :
  • My guess is the wink and nod to it - and the weimar-like cheerleading of it by Palin - was an attempt to incite rage in Obama.
  • and the social decadence that weimar became facilitated a dictator… just as the SAME EXACT social decadence which you can follow back to weimar and the progressives back again to here, is leading to the same kind of statist control dont think so?
  • RidleyReport. com Some Images from dooms-day-device. com end the fed ron paul greece greek bailout ridleyreport the balkans new hampshire european central banks staters hyperinflation free state project weimar germany republic nh iceland votes dave ridley report Gordon Brown
  • RidleyReport. com Some Images from dooms-day-device. com end the fed ron paul greece greek bailout ridleyreport the balkans new hampshire european central banks staters hyperinflation free state project weimar germany republic nh iceland votes dave ridley report Gordon Brown Ben Bernanke, Icelandic voters
  • Schiff Obama gold silver federal reserve economic collapse crisis michael maloney gata inflation alan greenspan ben bernanke LTCM max keiser stacy herbert comex GATA dollar fiat amero currency bretton stock market crash rothschild jp morgan goldman sachs credit hyperinflation celente weimar Moriarty bullion coin manipulation lindsey williams bob chapman
  • it was the presidents AFTER wilson that brought about the roaring 20s, a copy of weimar.. they repealed these things. it was part of how wilson would change america from a constitutional republic… its THIS law that we think of when americans think of treason, wwi, and so forth. these acts were used to prevent and remove soviets, communists, and marxists from schools and the state.

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