
IPA: wˈɛzɫiʌn

Root Word: Wesleyan


  • A supporter of Wesleyanism.
  • A university located in Middletown, Connecticult.


  • Of or pertaining to John Wesley (1703-1791), founder of Methodism.
  • (by extension) Of or pertaining to Methodism in general

Examples of "wesleyan" in Sentences

  • The wesleyan ministers found a kindly welcome and an open field.
  • The denominations selected to supply religious teaching were the episcopalian, wesleyan, and Roman catholic.
  • The text which initiated the wesleyan ministry was characteristic of its style and results: "Awake thou that sleepest!"
  • I can appreicate the film making but the extensive use of Wes Anderson material made me uncomfortable. anonymous yay wesleyan!
  • Of the first annual meeting of the wesleyan mission, Mr. Bedford was president, and the whole community joined in the support of
  • I like email and hate spam, and so the hello book is my sort-of solution. mpatton a to the t wesleyan. edu if you like that sort of thing.
  • Thus the government employed ministers of other denominations, chiefly the wesleyan, as religious instructors; sometimes with the express sanction of the chaplains.
  • Mr. Noakes, the organiser of these wesleyan victories, became dissatisfied with their results: the _Gazette_, of 1823, announced that he had withdrawn from their fellowship.
  • The attention of the London committee of the wesleyan mission was aroused by their agents stationed at Port Jackson, who referred to this colony as "a settlement called the Derwent, two weeks 'sail distant."
  • November 24th, 2008 at 8:38 am pottsville elementary school pottsville arkansas bellingham tech school blanchester school ohio cardozo high school bayside counselor betty obrien wesleyan school ga zahinjazmy Says:

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