IPA: wˈɪɫkɪnz
Root Word: Wilkins
- A surname originating as a patronymic.
- An English surname from Middle English.
- A surname from Welsh.
- A township in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States. named after William Wilkins.
Examples of "wilkins" in Sentences
- It's been done with 90210, OTH, Dawson's, etc. tim wilkins
- Anyone who hasn't seen it should get the Season One DVD set. tim wilkins
- It's far more difficult whent you don't know what's coming next. tim wilkins
- I really want to read SellOut by Ebony Joy wilkins and For the Win by Cory Doctrow.
- Maybe that makes me a former tv addict? lol tim wilkins: college virgin www. theaccent.org/home
- If networks cancel well rated shows for being too expensive, then what is the logic in this move. tim wilkins
- I guess I will start the mourning process now that this Friday's episode is the last we see of BSG until next year. tim wilkins
- It sounded to me like Serena was about to get raped on the tape so I wouldn't be surprised if she really did intentionally kill someone. tim wilkins
- Fifty-one percent had heard that glaucoma increases the risk of developing eye disease, but only 11% knew there are usually no warning signs. james wilkins
- He's SOOOO squeaky-clean and I could really see him on his own tween sitcom on a family channel. tim wilkins i only watched the last 5 minutes. lol That's one of the reasons I quit watching Am.