IPA: wˈɪɫsˈoʊniʌn
Root Word: Wilsonian
- (US politics) Of or relating to US politician Woodrow Wilson or his policies.
- (UK politics) Of or relating to British politician Harold Wilson or his policies.
- Of or relating to English writer Colin Wilson (1931–2013).
Examples of "wilsonian" in Sentences
- On “wilsonian viagra”: You never get to see the bottom half of the pill….
- However, Bush did not realize that the liberals hated Bush more than they cherished wilsonian ideology.
- Fomented to undermine the Church and the Monarchies, and carried to fruition by the wilsonian democracies imposed at Versailles.
- Oh well, there’s always foreign policy (provided that we can keep the lid on Hillary and her merry bunch of neocons/wilsonian hawks).
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