Examples of "wodehouse" in Sentences
- Unfortunately, writers like wodehouse never get any academic attention.
- Kunne passe rett inn på wodehouse laiven neste høst... snasent uansett...
- And if any wodehouse fans have any tips or ideas about this I would be so grateful!
- Love Calvin .. and JKJ ..actually more than wodehouse :- And thanks on the info on the sequel ...
- Filed under: Firoze Shakir Bollywoods Most Wanted , 28safar, khatau mansion, shia child, shiasm, wodehouse road
- But look you, fellow, if I have somewhat filled out, thou, who wast always black-muzzled, art now become as hairy as a wodehouse.
- I am reading a PG wodehouse book right now - the Little Nugget different from the rest of his books, the Jeeves and Psmith series.
- PS: To anybody who’s here from googling something like “pg wodehouse evil” or “pg wodehouse wrong”, here’s George Orwell’s “In Defence of P.