
IPA: wˈɔdʌn

Root Word: Woden


  • The Germanic chief god, distributor of talents and god of wisdom and war (corresponding to Odin), especially in his Anglo-Saxon form.

Examples of "woden" in Sentences

  • Typo - "woden", I think its wooden, spelt wooden in UK.
  • Hey Adam you failed at English, its clearly wooden not woden you nub!
  • Typo - "woden", I think its wooden, spelt wooden in UK. tylerf dberthia
  • Hey Adam you failed at English, its clearly wooden not woden you nub!!!!
  • I have in vain tried to get discounted the Bill next in date, to accommodate me in carrying on my woden trade.
  • I'm handed a shallow woden box with various compartments containing, among other things, coins with an image of Dante's Inferno on one side.
  • I can not learn certainly if those people worship those woden emiges, they have them in conspicuous parts of their houses at 5 miles I passed
  • The Culinary articles of the Indians in our neighbourhood consist of wooden bowls or throughs, baskets, wooden spoons and woden scures or spits.
  • Then I tipped the huge woden frame with the bronze sound board out of the back, got the bottom edge up onto the truck, and started to lift it to push it over.
  • I did observe some instances where the body was laid in an indifferent woden box which was placed among other carcased rolled in skin in the order just mentioned. they sacrifice horses canoes and every other speceis of property to their ded. the bones of many horses are seen laying about those sepulchres. this evening was cold as usual.

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