IPA: zɛnʌpʊs
Root Word: Xenopus
- (Gk., ξενος, xenos=strange, πους, pous=foot, commonly known as the clawed frog) a genus of highly aquatic frogs native to sub-Saharan Africa.
Examples of "xenopus" in Sentences
- (A) Vertebrate Ugt5 genes in teleosts and xenopus.
- The ancestral xenopus Ugt1 cluster contains the Ugt 1aI and 1aII variable exons.
- The type of frog, known as a xenopus, is a major model used in U.S. biomedical research.
- A Quantitative analysis of the activation and inactivation kinetics of HERG expressed in xenopus oocytes.
- Time, Voltage and ionic concentration dependent of rectification of h - erg expressed in xenopus oocytes.
- Please take a look at optic tectum (and xenopus laevis which I have stopped working on for the same template-related reasons).