
IPA: jˈʌŋztaʊn

Root Word: Youngstown


  • A village in southern Alberta, Canada.
  • An unincorporated community in Bay County, Florida, United States.
  • An unincorporated community in Vigo County, Indiana, United States.
  • An unincorporated community in Adair County, Missouri, United States.
  • A village in Niagara County, New York, United States.
  • A city, the county seat of Mahoning County, Ohio, United States.
  • A small borough of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, United States.

Examples of "youngstown" in Sentences

  • There have also been a few in the youngstown area.
  • Not because they're rich, or thugs, or because they live in youngstown.
  • But would ... large, do you have beef with youngstown? that was on the rude side.
  • Related: Tour green-energy businesses and homes in Mahoning County youngstown
  • I happen to live on the west side of youngstown and have no kids but I happen to be a product of the YCSD and realize that the most important part of your community are the schools.
  • About me: hello my name is kimmie i am from youngstown ohio i meet the best man in the world 10 years ago we got married july 19th 2008 we have 2 kids together. lexis my little girl is my pride she has a mouth just like me lol that is
  • Sir Spicious: i guess this is an agree to disagree situation, since I can't imagine a world in which jay ... kodijack: TBL, you should take a page from reddit. com and enable voting on comments. youngstown: johnson i'm an idiot. .u get my point though
  • Not yet…believe she is up next though following sen. whitehouse whitehouse discussing the separation of powers and checks and balances, both explicit and inherent in the constitution in the context of unilateral power being harnassed by one branch…which most often arises on questions of executive branch power sotomayor discussing the famous jackson concurrence in the youngstown case

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