IPA: zˈinoʊ
Root Word: Zeno
- A male given name from Ancient Greek.
- (mathematics, philosophy) Requiring or involving an infinite number of intervals within a finite time.
Examples of "zeno" in Sentences
- The quantum zeno effect is something he refers to in particular.
- Log in to Reply sgt. zeno (UID#16900) on November 25th, 2009 at 8: 15 am
- I think this is the kind of thing that Brian looks for in CERN. zeno says:
- Kawahara 1971, Tokyo recently exhibited at the Antwerp Zeno X Gallery, see zeno-x.com.
- I cannot find a switch anything remotely updated from the “modern” switches of lutron. zeno
- He's working on dolls that explain zeno transplantation, and also the spider gene into the goat, from a few years ago.
- Each one of these decoherent events amounts to a little kick on the moon, which is a sort of quantum zeno process of reducing the quantum state of the moon.
- Tanegli stood waiting, his squat solid bulk a bastion around which the smaller members of the party ranged: the three youngsters, Kai was relieved to see, appeared to be all right, as did the zeno-botanist Divisti.